Sinai Health ICU - Orientation Information
Welcome to your ICU rotation at Sinai Health. We are looking forward to working with you! If you have not done so, please fill out our pre-rotation survey so that we have your contact information and goals for the rotation.
If you are on-call on July 1, handover will start at 8:30 am that day in the ICU conference room (Room 5-287) on the 5th floor of Mount Sinai Hospital. A brief orientation will be held immediately after handover. If possible, please ensure that you have registered with medical education and that your computer access is working by June 28 (details below) to avoid any issues over the weekend. Please let us know if you cannot register in advance.
Everyone else, please arrive on July 2 at 7:45 am in the ICU conference room (5th floor Room 5-287) for sign-over and orientation. . If you are going to be away, please view the orientation presentation online before your first day.
Please review the schedule carefully.
- For Residents: All call shifts are 24 hours, unless otherwise specified.
- For Fellows: If you are not on the daytime schedule, you have protected academic time. You are not expected to come into the hospital but are expected to be available in the event of unexpected absences and are expected to attend teaching sessions. If you are only scheduled for call on a particular day, this will start at 4:30 p.m.
- Weekend ACCESS coverage is daytime only
Vacation requests or not on-call requests were approved based on submissions. If you need to change your call schedule, please arrange a trade with a colleague and notify us of the proposed change for final approval. If you are unexpectedly going to be away, please let us know as soon as possible. We always do our best to maintain daytime continuity across the teams. However, this block with conference leave, vacations, and NOC requests, there were some weeks where this was challenging. We appreciate your understanding, and if you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Teaching in the Sinai Health ICU is delivered by staff and fellows. Please check the teaching schedule online for the most recent updates.
- Resident teaching is generally scheduled each afternoon at 1 pm.
- Fellows are responsible for Thursday afternoon teaching for residents.
- Fellow’s teaching with one of the staff physicians is scheduled every Wednesday at 8:30 am.
- Approximately once per block, fellows are also asked to prepare a presentation on their chosen topic. Many fellows decide to discuss a recently published paper. These presentations are scheduled for Friday mornings at 8:30 am with the other fellows and attending physicians.
You should have received an invitation to register directly from the Sinai NIRVSystem approximately three weeks before the rotation start date. This email will give you the necessary information to log on and complete your registration. If you have not received this information, please let us know.
You will still need to visit the medical education office in person as the final step in the registration process. It is open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 3:30p.m and is located at 60 Murray St, 3rd Floor, Room 300.
- Due to Covid-19, the in-person portion of the training is no longer taking place.
- If you have used PowerChart at MSH within 24 months, your access will remain active/current. There will be no need to re-do the training. Anyone new must complete the online modules as per usual.
- All of this information will be communicated via Sinai NirvSystem
- As you will be seeing patients at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre as part of the ACCESS team, it is important to complete Epic training for UHN. The Epic Education team will reach out to you with details prior to the rotation start date.
- Issued at Medical Education
- You can make new deposits for these items through the NirvSystem via PayPal
As you are all aware, the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing. Please ensure you continue to pay close attention to the posted PPE requirements for all patient care and wear a mask at all times. As you will be involved in the hospital’s code blue response, please also review the Protected Code Blue Policy.
If for ANY reason you are feeling unwell with fever or respiratory symptoms while on service, you need to notify us immediately and contact occupational health at or 416-586-4800 ext 7425. If you are at home when this takes place, you should not come to work until otherwise informed by Occupational Health.
For questions, please email us anytime!
- Fellows – Dr. Christie Lee
- Residents – Dr. Jenna Spring