Dr. Margaret Herridge
Attending Physician, Toronto General Hospital
Academic Rank
Professor of Medicine
Position Title
Clinician Scientist, Senior Scientist
Medical/Professional Qualifications
Director of Critical Care Research, Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
Faculty, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
Full Member, Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Full Member, Rehabilitation Science (Graduate), University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Margaret S. Herridge is Professor of Medicine, Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine at the University Health Network, Senior Scientist in the Toronto General Research Institute, and Director of Research for the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto. She obtained her MSc and MD from Queen’s University at Kingston, completed her clinical training in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Toronto and obtained her MPH at the Harvard School of Public Health/Channing Laboratory. Since 1997, her group has completed 3 cohort studies: 5-year outcomes in survivors of ARDS (co-PI Angela Cheung); 1-year outcomes in survivors of SARS (co-PI Catherine Tansey PhD); 2-year outcomes in patients after 7 days of mechanical ventilation and their family caregivers RECOVER Program (Phase I)( co-PI Jill Cameron PhD). Currently, Dr. Herridge is co-leading (co-PI Dr. Angela Cheung) the CIHR-funded CANCOV Program (Canadian Prospective Multi-Centre 1-year Cohort Study of COVID-19 patients and caregivers). She is Director of the RECOVER Clinical and Research Program for patient-and family-centred follow-up care after critical illness, conducted in collaboration with the Canadian Critical Care Trials group (CCCTG) and clinical director of the Long-Term Ventilation program- Grace RECOVER Program for Chronic Critical Illness for patients and families- in collaboration with the Toronto Grace Health Centre. Dr. Herridge has authored or co-authored over 180 manuscripts and book chapters on topics related to outcomes after critical illness in patients and family caregivers and is the co-editor of the first two textbooks of post-ICU medicine. She has published 2 editorials and 3 manuscripts in the New England Journal of Medicine on 1 and 5-year outcomes after ARDS and family caregiver outcomes after prolonged mechanical ventilation and is a frequent international speaker on outcomes after critical illness.
Area of Academic Focus
Long-term outcomes after ARDS, SARS, prolonged mechanical ventilation, COVID-19; RECOVER Program: Patient- and family-centred follow-up care after critical illness; CANCOV Program
Honours and Awards
2015 – Dr. F. Marguerite Hill Lecturer – Awarded to a woman in medicine who has made a considerable impact at an international level with demonstrable benefit to the wellbeing of her patients and society at large
2016 – Honorary Member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine – Awarded for outstanding contribution to the international field of Intensive Care Medicine
2017 – Inaugural Excellence in Research Faculty Award – Division of Respirology, University of Toronto – for sustained excellence in research
2018 – Critical Care Lifetime Achievement Award -American Thoracic Society – for a career devoted to research and teaching of the science and practice of Critical Care Medicine
2019 – Eaton Scholar Researcher of the Year (Clinical) Award – Department of Medicine, University of Toronto – for outstanding leadership and contributions to research
2020 – Deborah J. Cook Mentorship Award – Canadian Critical Care Trials Group
Link to PubMed
Most Significant Publications:
- Herridge MS, Cheung AM, Tansey CM, Matte-Martyn A, Diaz-Granados N, Al-Saidi F, Cooper AB, Guest CB, Mazer CD, Mehta S, Stewart TE, Barr A, Cook D and Slutsky AS. One-year outcomes in survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2003 Feb 20. 2003 Feb 20; 348(8):683-93.
- Cheung AM, Tansey CM, Tomlinson G, Diaz-Granados N, Matté A, Barr A, Mehta S, Mazer CD, Guest CB, Stewart TE, Al-Saidi F, Cooper AB, Cook D, Slutsky AS, Herridge MS . Two-year outcomes, health care use, and costs of survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2006 Sep 1;174(5):538-44. 2006
- Herridge MS, Tansey CM, Matte A, Tomlinson G, Diaz-Granados N, Cooper A, Guest CB, Mazer CD, Mehta S, Stewart TE, Kudlow P, Cook D, Slutsky AS and Cheung AM. Functional disability 5 years after acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2011 Apr 7. 2011 Apr 7; 364(14):1293-304.
- Cameron JI, Chu LM, Matte A, Tomlinson G, Chan L, Thomas C, Friedrich JO, Mehta S, Lamontagne F, Levasseur M, Ferguson ND, Adhikari NK, Rudkowski JC, Meggison H, Skrobik Y, Flannery J, Bayley M, Batt J, dos Santos C, Abbey SE, Tan A, Lo V, Mathur S, Parotto M, Morris D, Flockhart L, Fan E, Lee CM, Wilcox ME, Ayas N, Choong K, Fowler R, Scales DC, Sinuff T, Cuthbertson BH, Rose L, Robles P, Burns S, Cypel M, Singer L, Chaparro C, Chow CW, Keshavjee S, Brochard L, Hébert P, Slutsky AS, Marshall JC, Cook D, Herridge MS; RECOVER Program Investigators (Phase 1: towards RECOVER).; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. One-Year Outcomes in Caregivers of Critically Ill Patients. N Engl J Med. 2016 May 12;374(19):1831-41.
- Herridge MS, Chu LM, Matte A, Tomlinson G, Chan L, Thomas C, Friedrich JO, Mehta S, Lamontagne F, Levasseur M, Ferguson ND, Adhikari NK, Rudkowski JC, Meggison H, Skrobik Y, Flannery J, Bayley M, Batt J, Santos CD, Abbey SE, Tan A, Lo V, Mathur S, Parotto M, Morris D, Flockhart L, Fan E, Lee CM, Wilcox ME, Ayas N, Choong K, Fowler R, Scales DC, Sinuff T, Cuthbertson BH, Rose L, Robles P, Burns S, Cypel M, Singer L, Chaparro C, Chow CW, Keshavjee S, Brochard L, Hebert P, Slutsky AS, Marshall JC, Cook D, Cameron JI; RECOVER Program Investigators (Phase 1: towards RECOVER).; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group. The RECOVER Program: Disability Risk Groups and 1-Year Outcome after 7 or More Days of Mechanical Ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Oct 1;194(7):831-844.
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