TGH ICU Orientation Materials

TGH ICU - Orientation Information

Welcome to your ICU rotation at Toronto General Hospital. We are looking forward to working with you!


You are responsible for ensuring that you have followed the Postgraduate Education registration instructions to get ready for your rotation.

    • Registration instructions can be found at this link.
    • FAQs about the registration process are found here.


It is important to complete Epic training for UHN prior to starting your rotation. The Epic Education team will reach out to you with details prior to the rotation start date. For those who may not have rotated at UHN in the past, please see the orientation manual section on Epic training for further questions. Please ensure that you have completed the Epic Training and obtained your badge prior to the start. Should you still need to get Epic training, please contact Epic Education (as indicated in the attached document on postgraduate UHN registration instructions above) as soon as possible.

    • You will find a Powerpoint on using Epic in the ICU at this link. Please review this prior to the rotation.


Please arrive on the first day of your rotation at 7:00 am in the Astellas conference room for sign-over and orientation. If you are going to be away, please view the orientation presentation online before your first day. The Astellas room is located on the 11th floor of the Peter Munk Building. When exiting from the Peter Munk Elevators, please turn right.


Please review this orientation Powerpoint prior to starting your rotation (also found at the link at the top of this page). Please forgive our appearance as it is in the process of being updated to include info on Epic.

Please also visit our website for more information on how the unit functions: (password MedSurgBlock12).


Please review the schedule carefully. The schedule can be found through the link on the homepage of this website and at the top of this page.

Unless there is a mistake on our end, please feel free to make changes amongst yourself and notify us. Kindly wait for confirmation before making any firm commitments. Also, please make sure that you check all the columns as your name may appear on more than one.

All call shifts for residents are currently 16 hours on weekdays (4:00 pm to 7:00 am with 1 hour for handover) and 24 hours (8:00 am to 8:00 am) on weekends, unless otherwise specified.

Any vacation requests or not on-call requests were approved based on submissions. If you are unexpectedly going to be away, please let us know as soon as possible.


Teaching in the TGH ICU is delivered by staff and fellows.

Educational resources can be found through the link on the homepage of this website or at the top of this page. The ICU ECMO and ELSO websites are excellent starting resources.

Please note that you will also have a MedEngine account created for you where you can access a number of additional papers.


For fellows doing bedside echos, please review the presentation at this link to ensure that your echos are properly saved and documented.

As you are all aware, the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing. Please ensure you continue to pay close attention to the posted PPE requirements for all patient care and wear a mask at all times.

Should any of you become symptomatic, please inform your colleagues and contact occupational health and PGME immediately, as you will have to be tested and self-isolate until you get your results.


Avoid bringing valuable belongings with you, as although locked, the on-call rooms’ passwords are easily found.

For questions, please email us anytime!

© 2025 Critical Care Medicine | University Health Network & Mount Sinai Hospital.