Residents – Vacation requests

Residents – Vacation requests

STEP 1: Book your vacation request on the calendar below. Make sure that you are selecting the appropriate dates, enter your contact information, and press the BOOK NOW button.

STEP 2: Upload your vacation form. Click here to download the form Vacation Request Form 2023-2024.

STEP 2a: For GIM and Respirology residents: Please also send the form to your Base program once you’ve selected your dates.

STEP 3: Wait for approval from YOUR program coordinator


STEP 2: Upload your form(s). Please label them as followed: Last Name_Block (#)

STEP 2a: For GIM and Respirology Residents: Send the form to your Base program and wait for their FINAL approval

Do not include any dot “.” in the file name other than the one preceding doc/pdf

STEP 3: Please wait for approval from both TGH MSICU team AND your program coordinator

Should you have any questions regarding your vacation request, please contact our coordinator (

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