Dr. Alice Grassi
Clinical Fellow
Medical/professional qualifications
M.D., Specialist in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto
University Health Network
Universita’ degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Dr. Grassi completed her specialty training in anesthesiology and critical care medicine in Italy. She has wide clinical and academic interests, from anesthesia during high-risk surgery, cardiac anesthesia, and echocardiography to critical care with a specific focus on respiratory diseases and mechanical ventilation.
Area of interests /Research
Monitoring during assisted mechanical ventilation
Publications: (if applicable)
1. Bianchi I, Grassi A, Pham T, Telias I, Teggia Droghi M, Jonkman A, Brochard L, Bellani G, Reliability of plateau pressure during patient-triggered assisted ventilation. Analysis of a multicentre database. J Crit Care. 2021 Dec 21;68:96-103
2. Rezoagli E, Bastia L, Grassi A, Chieregato A, Langer T, Grasselli G, Caironi P, Pradella A, Santini A, Protti A,Fumagalli R, Foti G, Bellani G, Paradoxical Effect of Chest Wall Compression on Respiratory System Compliance. A Multicenter Case Series of Patients With ARDS, With Multimodal Assessment, Chest (2021) Jun 9;S0012-3692(21)01088-6.
3. Bronco A, Grassi A, Meroni V, Giovannoni C, Rabboni F, Rezoagli E, Teggia Droghi M, Foti G, Bellani G, Clinical value of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) in the management of patients with acute respiratory failure: a single centre experience. Physiol Measur. 2021 Jul 28;42(7).
4. Teggia Droghi M, Grassi A, Rezoagli E, Pozzi M, Foti G, Patroniti N, Bellani G, Comparison of two approaches to estimate driving pressure during assisted ventilation. AJRCCM. 2020 Dec 1;202(11):1595-1598.
5. Grassi A, Ferlicca D, Lupieri E, Calcinati S, Francesconi S, Sala V, Ormas V, Chiodaroli E, Abbruzzese C, Curto F, Sanna A, Zambon M, Fumagalli R, Foti G, Bellani G, Assisted mechanical ventilation promotes recovery of diaphragmatic thickness in critically ill patients: a prospective observational study. Crit Care. 2020 Mar 12;24(1):8.
6. Coppadoro A, Grassi A, Giovannoni C, Rabboni F, Eronia N, Bronco A, Foti G, Fumagalli R, Bellani G, Measurement of occult Pendelluft by Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in difficult-to-wean patients undergoing assisted mechanical ventilation: an observational study. Annals of Intensive Care. 2020 Apr 7;10(1):39.
7. Beretta S, Coppo A, Bianchi E, Zanchi C, Carone D, Stabile A, Padovano G, Sulmina E, Grassi A, Bogliun G, Foti G, Ferrarese C, Pesenti A, Beghi E, Avalli L, Neurological outcome of post-anoxic refractory status epilepticus after aggressive treatment. Epilepsy Behav. 2019 Dec;101(Pt B):106374.
8. Bellani G, Grassi A, Sosio S, Gatti S, Kavanagh BP, Pesenti A, Foti G, Driving Pressure is associated with Outcome during Assisted Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Anesthesiology. Sep;131(3):594-604.
9. Signori D, Bellani G, Calcinati S, Grassi A, Patroniti N, Foti G, Effect of Face Mask design and flow-by on CO2 rebreathing during non-invasive ventilation. Resp Care. 2019 Jul;64(7):793-800.
10. Islam D, Huang Y, Fanelli V, Delsedime L, Wu S, Khang J, Han B, Grassi A, Li M, Xu Y, Luo A, Wu J, Liu X, McKillop M, Medin J , Qiu H, Zhong N, Liu M, Laffey J, Li Y, Zhang H, Identification and Modulation of Microenvironment is Crucial for Effective MSC Therapy in Acute Lung Injury. AJRCCM. 2018 May 15;199(10):1214-1224.
11. Beretta S, Coppo A, Bianchi E, Zanchi C, Carone D, Stabile A, Padovano G, Sulmina E, Grassi A, Bogliun G, Foti G, Ferrarese C, Pesenti A, Beghi E, Avalli L, Neurological outcome of post-anoxic refractory status epilepticus after aggressive treatment. Neurology. 2018 Dec 4;91(23):e2153-e2162.
12. Bellani G, Grassi A, Sosio S, Foti G, Plateau and driving pressure in the presence of spontaneous breathing, Intensive Care Med. 2019 Jan;45(1):97-98.
13. Grassi A, Foti G, Laffey J.G, Bellani G, Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in early acute respiratory distress syndrome. Pol Arch Inter Med. 2017 Sep 29;127(9):614-620.
14. Zambelli V, Bellani G, Borsa R, Pozzi F, Grassi A, Scanziani M, Castiglioni V, Masson S, Decio A, Laffey JG, Latini R, Pesenti A, Angiotensin-(1-7) improves oxygenation, while reducing cellular infiltrate and fibrosis in experimental Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Int Care Med Experimental. 2015 Dec;3(1):44.
15. Zambelli V, Bellani G, Amigoni M, Grassi A, Scanziani M, Farina F, Latini R, Pesenti A, Effects of exogenous surfactant treatment in a murine model of two-hit lung injury, Anest Analg. 2015 Feb;120(2):381-8
16. Lamonica G, Amigoni M, Vedovelli L, Zambelli V, Scanziani M, Bellani G, Grassi A, Simonato M, Carnielli VP, Cogo PE, Pulmonary surfactant synthesis after unilateral lung injury in mice. J Appl Physiol. 2014 Jan 15;116(2):210-5.
Personal Interests
Good company and good food
Hiking in nature
Email: Alicegrassi85@gmail.com