Dr. Stephen Lapinsky
ICU Site Lead, Mount Sinai Hospital
Academic Rank
Professor of Medicine
Position Title
Clinician Investigator
Medical/Professional Qualifications
Site Director, Mount Sinai ICU
Site Lead, Rapid Response Team
Hospital Donation Physician, Trillium Gift of Life Network
Cross appointment: Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Lapinsky obtained his medical degree from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, where he also trained in Internal Medicine. He went on to training in Pulmonary and Critical Care, and subsequently completed a Clinical Fellowship at the University of Toronto, before coming on staff at Mount Sinai Hospital. His clinical practice involves attending in the ICU and on the Critical Care Response Team, as well as an ambulatory respirology practice. His clinical and research interest is in the care of pregnant patients with respiratory or critical illness. He currently acts as the Chair of the Research and Academic Subcommittee of the North American Society of Obstetric Medicine. He has published over 100 articles, and at least 20 in the field of the pregnant patient.
Area of Academic Focus
Mechanical ventilation in the pregnant patient
Critical illness in pregnancy
Pulmonary diseases in pregnancy
Link to PubMed
Most Significant Publications
- Jeejeebhoy FM, Zelop CM, Lipman S, Carvalho B, Joglar J, Mhyre JM, Katz VL, Lapinsky SE, Einav S, Warnes CA, Page RL, Griffin RE, Jain A, Dainty KN, Arafeh J, Windrim R, Koren G, Callaway CW. Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation, 2015;132:1747-73
- Lapinsky SE. Acute respiratory failure in pregnancy. Obstetric Medicine 2015; 8:126-32
- Lapinsky SE, Rojas-Suarez JA, Crozier TM, Vasquez DN, Barrett N, Austin K, Plotnikow GA, Orellano K, Bourjeily G. Mechanical ventilation in pregnancy: a case series. Int J Obstet Anesth 2015; 24:323-328
- Aoyama K, Seaward PG, Lapinsky SE. Fetal outcome in the critically ill pregnant woman. Crit Care 2014; 18:307
- Lapinsky SE, Tram C, Mehta S, Maxwell CV. Restrictive lung disease in pregnancy. Chest. 2014;145:394-8.
Email: Stephen.lapinsky@utoronto.ca
Tel: 1 (416) 586 4800 x3211